The commercial orientation efforts of this project are focused to the detection of special nuclear material in vehicles and especially in containers: what is a problem of huge international interest, as it is, for example, one of the priority topics within the Horizon2020 program.
The project will develop several working hypothesis looking for the most industrialisable option. Even if the different variants will be based in the same technologies and will use a similar operation principle, they will vary in the type of configuration, morphology, and the processing of the data.
The techniques used within this project are framed into Muon Tomography Systems and Cosmic X-Rays multivariable Radiography. The project is carried on by a consortium of companies that covers the total value chain, gathering all necessary knowledge in order to reach the proposed objectives. These companies are: VGSC, DIGAFER and HIDRONAV.
This project has been supported by CDTI (Spanish Centre for the Development of Industrial Technology), the Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness and the European Regional Development Fund, within the Technological Fund Operational Programme 2014-2020.